Welcome to Durst Organic Growers - The D.O.G. Blog!

Asparagus Information

Welcome Asparagus! We missed You!



Due to Drought conditions in California, we began irrigating Asparagus in Mid-December and continued to irrigate throughout January to keep soil moisture levels up. Although Asparagus is in dormancy during this time it still need water to produce a crop. Warm weather in January has spurred early growth with spears already emerging! We look forward to a bountiful spring harvest and of course, more rain!

Happy New Year!

Durst Employee Christmas Party 2013

Our Annual Durst Employee Christmas Party was held on December 14th in Old Sacramento With a Brunch at the Rio City CafĂ©. Everyone gathered beforehand and lined up for a delicious meal of Eggs, Bacon, Ham, Potatoes & French Toast.  After the meal we took a 1Hour River Cruise on the Hornblower Boat.   Santa was on board and Hot Cocoa and cookies were served for the kids.  This was a popular outing for our group in a previous year and seemed to be enjoyed again.  The weather was mild and perfect for the day.  Thanks to Jim and Deborah for their generosity to all Durst Employees and their families.